Before and after abdominoplasty and liposuction in a 41-year-old mother. After carrying two extremely big babies to term and delivering them, she developed a belly full of stretch marks and separation of her abdominal muscles. She wanted to be able to wear fitted pants and dresses without needing shapewear underneath. She also preferred high-cut swimsuits, so her abdominal incision was designed to sit a little higher than other patients’ scars.
A tummy tuck removed excess lower abdominal skin and fat – and some, but not all of her stretch marks – it also repaired her rectus diastasis and pulled her abdominal skin downward to achieve a flatter belly contour. Any “striae” (the Plastic Surgery term for stretch marks) that are above the belly button or on the thighs will remain after an abdominoplasty as this skin is not surgically removed during surgery.
Liposuction removed excess fat from her upper and lower abdomen, flanks, pubic region and upper inner and outer thighs. Over a pound of abdominal skin and fat was removed, and 650 cc of fat was liposuctioned out during surgery.
Long-term follow up photos are shown 3 years after surgery, with faded incisions and her final result.
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.