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Before and after abdominoplasty and liposuction in a 30 year old woman. She had lost nearly 180 pounds after gastric bypass, with her weight being stable for two years. She was now ready to complete her transformation as a reward to herself for adopting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Following her massive weight loss, her body was deflated, like an empty balloon. She had rolls of empty skin and some stubborn residual fat in her mid-section. Her goal was to fit into normal clothes without needing to wear compression garments like Spanx underneath, and for her body to fit her new lifestyle.

An abdominoplasty surgically removed nearly 7 pounds of excess skin and fat from her lower abdomen. Her abdominal muscles, stretched apart from her past increased abdominal fat, were repaired to each other in the midline. She was relieved to learn that having a tummy tuck would not interfere with future pregnancies, and that being pregnant would not undo all the work she had just done.

Her abdominal skin was redraped tightly downward, achieving a lift at the same time of her upper thighs and pubic region. Liposuction of the upper and lower abdomen, flanks, pubic area and upper inner thighs completed the procedure.

Incorporating body contouring details like liposuction to a full tummy tuck creates even nicer results than if just the abdominoplasty had been done alone.

Follow up photos are shown 3 months after surgery. Significant swelling is still present, which will gradually go away with time. There is visible discoloration from old bruising in several areas. She has started scar therapy and knows her incisions will fade over the next 3-6 months. She can exercise without restrictions and her nerves are waking up. She expresses she “feels like myself now” when she looks in the mirror.

Post-weight loss surgery is so rewarding, as it is often the finishing touch on a journey that compliments all the hard work our patients have done. Plastic Surgery can help further improve body image and self-esteem after massive weight loss. It is a true honor and a privilege to help our patients complete their transformation in this individualized and intimate way.


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton