Before and after abdominoplasty in a 41-year-old woman with mild rectus diastasis and a small amount of subcutaneous abdominal fat.
A tummy tuck corrected her rectus diastasis, repairing her abdominal muscles back together in the midline. A small amount of skin and fat was removed from her lower abdomen, and her belly button was inset through a new incision on the abdominal wall, similar to bringing a button through a button hole.
Liposuction removed excess fat from her upper and lower abdomen, pubic region, anterior flanks and upper inner thighs.
Early follow up photos are shown 3 months after surgery. She is applying scar gel and has weaned herself off postoperative compression – and also no longer feels the need to wear shapewear such as Spanx under her dresses!
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.