Before and after an abdominoplasty as part of a Mommy Makeover in a 34 year old woman. She was thin and physically fit, but she had developed extensive stretch marks during her last week of pregnancy, separation of her abdominal muscles that caused a “pooch” of her abdomen. She longed to wear bikinis around her pool again and not feel like her tummy was a distraction.
Her Mommy Makeover included a tummy tuck, a mastopexy and breast augmentation, and liposuction of her axillary rolls (armpit fat), her upper and lower abdomen, flanks, pubic region, upper inner thighs and arms.
Her tummy tuck removed many of her stretch marks, repaired her abdominal muscles back together in the midline, and stretched her abdominal wall skin firmly downwards. Liposuction permanently removed fat as a compliment to her abdominoplasty. The goal is always to have the very best aesthetic results for any Plastic Surgery procedure, particularly for the abdomen and torso!
Follow up photos are shown six months after surgery. Her scars are beginning to mature and she feel very comfortable hosting parties in a two piece swim suit this summer!
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.