Before and after abdominoplasty in a 34-year-old mother of twins and two singletons after that. Her belly had more than just “twin skin” – she had significant separation of her rectus abdominis muscles, causing her to look pregnant even after just eating a normal sized meal.
She wanted to have a “normal looking belly,” not to be a swimsuit model. She wanted to serve as a positive role model for her daughters and be active with her kids in the pool, rather than making excuses for why she didn’t want to wear a swimsuit.
An abdominoplasty removed much of her lower abdominal skin and fat, including many of her stretch marks. Her rectus diastasis was corrected, and her belly skin was pulled downward, replacing her C-section scar with a longer tummy tuck scar. Her belly button was repositioned through a new opening in the abdominal wall skin.
Liposuction removed excess fat from her abdomen, flanks, pubic region and upper inner thighs. Long-term follow up photos are shown 5 years after surgery, with a flat belly, mature scars and her final results.
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.