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What is a Blepharoplasty?

A Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift) is a facial rejuvenation procedure that restores a refreshed and rested appearance to the eyes by addressing extra skin and lower eyelid bags that can occur with aging. Blepharoplasty can be a rewarding experience that can improve self-confidence by improving the appearance of the Upper Eyelids, the Lower Eyelids, or both Upper and Lower Lids, making you look more rested, bright-eyed, and alert.

In extreme cases, puffy bags of skin called “festoons” can develop in the lower lids; this condition is usually genetic and requires skin excision. Extreme droop or curving out of the lower eyelids, called ectropion (creating a “show” of the sclera, the white portion of the eye) can also be corrected by blepharoplasty.

Eyelid surgery will treat the above features of aging to produce a brighter and refreshed look to the eyes. It should not change your appearance. The best facial rejuvenation procedures are not immediately obvious to others, but the brightening of the eyes will be evident to all. Beautiful, subtle, and natural results are the goal for blepharoplasty patients, without looking “done,” “surprised,” or different.

Eyelid Surgery Candidates

Ideal candidates for blepharoplasty are healthy adult men and women who are physically well, emotionally balanced, non-smokers, and exhibit signs of eyelid aging, as outlined earlier. In some cases, individuals may also experience brow ptosis (forehead drooping) and could benefit from combining a brow lift with surgical eye rejuvenation to achieve optimal results.

Those with cardiovascular disease, uncontrolled high blood pressure, or poorly controlled diabetes are not good candidates for blepharoplasty due to concerns with postoperative bleeding, infection or poor healing. Individuals with diseases of the eye, such as dry eyes, glaucoma, or a history of detached retina, also may not be good candidates for surgery. Remember to tell Dr. Horton about a history of vision disorders or past LASIK surgery. Patients with Graves disease, or an overactive thyroid, as well as those experiencing exophthalmos, or bulging of the eyes, are at higher risk of complications from blepharoplasty and should avoid cosmetic eyelid surgery.

If you receive neuromodulator treatments to your forehead and Crows feet region such as Botox, Dysport or other injectable wrinkle reducers, you should ensure their effects have completely worn off before your blepharoplasty consultation – three months since your last treatment should suffice. This will facilitate Dr. Horton’s examination of your brow and eyelids in the most accurate anatomic fashion, as many of us accommodate for upper eyelid drooping as we age by elevating our eyebrows at rest.

Learn more about Preparing for Plastic Surgery in our Preoperative Instructions section
woman holding her hands to her face happy with Blepharoplasty results

Types of Eyelid Lifts

During your blepharoplasty consultation, Dr. Horton will evaluate your eyelids and forehead, both at rest and while in motion, to assess the interplay of facial muscles. The recommended surgical approach will be tailored to your unique anatomy, taking into account factors such as skin texture and elasticity, eyebrow positioning, the degree of excess skin in the upper and lower eyelids, the presence of under-eye bags or festoons, and the overall condition of the forehead and brow area.

An upper lid blepharoplasty, lower lid blepharoplasty, four-lid (also known as a “quad”) blepharoplasty, or nonsurgical rejuvenation of the eyelids may be recommended to you as stand-alone procedures or in combination.

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Upper Lid Blepharoplasty

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty, or upper eyelid surgery, makes an incision within the natural fold of the eyelid crease, extending from the inner upper lid slightly past the outer upper lid crease to fall in a natural “laugh line” or existing crease. Because the incision follows the upper eyelid’s natural crease, it is eventually inconspicuous and fades with time to be nearly invisible, particularly when wearing makeup. Loose skin is removed from the upper lid, fatty deposits may be repositioned or removed, eyelid muscles can be tightened, and the upper lid is given a refreshed and more youthful appearance.

Lower Lid Blepharoplasty

Lower lid blepharoplasty, or lower eyelid surgery, may be done using an incision below the lower lid lash line (“subciliary” method) or within the internal lining of the lower lid (“transconjunctival” approach). The method used to rejuvenate the lower lids depends on your anatomy, the amount of excess lower eyelid skin, and the presence of bags or festoons.

"Subciliary" Lower Lid Eye Lift

A subciliary lower eyelid lift rejuvenates the lower eyelid through an incision just below the lower eyelash line. Through this incision, excess skin of the lower eyelids is removed, and underlying fat and/or muscle is repositioned or removed as necessary. The subciliary incision heals nearly imperceptibly and is hidden beneath the eyelashes of the lower lid.

"Transconjunctival" Lower Lid Eye Lift

A transconjunctival blepharoplasty makes an incision inside the lower eyelid, hidden within the “conjunctiva”, the thin membrane that lines the lower lid. The transconjunctival approach is used only to redistribute or remove excess lower lid fat and correct lower eyelid conditions but does not permit the removal of excess lower lid skin.

Four-Lid "Quad" Blepharoplasty

Surgery of the upper and lower eyelids is commonly called “quad” or four-lid blepharoplasty. The lower lids may be addressed by either the subciliary or transconjunctival incisions.

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Nonsurgical "Liquid Eye Lift"

A nonsurgical option that can achieve modest rejuvenation of the eye area involves the use of BOTOX® Cosmetic and Injectable Fillers to fill in depressions, deep creases or hollows above or below the eyes. Gentle elevation of the outer aspect of the brow can be achieved by selectively relaxing muscles around the eye, giving the eyes an overall refreshed look. Nonsurgical procedures have the advantage of improving the appearance of the eye region both at rest and with animation, and can last for many months to a year or two. Please visit our Minimally Invasive Procedures section to learn more.

The Blepharoplasty Procedure

Visit our Preparing for Surgery section for detailed information about what to expect in the operating room on the day of your procedure.

A blepharoplasty is performed in the operating room under local anesthesia to constrict the blood vessels in the eyelids and limit bruising with an oral anti-anxiety medication and inhaled laughing gas, or under general anesthesia plus local anesthesia for your comfort and safety – especially if an eyelid lift is being combined with other surgeries. As with all aesthetic Plastic Surgery procedures of the face, eyelid surgery is performed under surgical “loupe” magnification to ensure exceptional precision and careful attention to detail.

older man smiling

The specific approach to your blepharoplasty will be tailored to your unique anatomy, the extent of skin laxity, and the presence of bulging fat or muscle in the upper and lower eyelids. Incisions are strategically placed to blend seamlessly within the natural crease of the eyelid area for minimal visibility.

After administering local anesthesia with epinephrine (to reduce bruising), the delicate eyelid skin is gently separated from the underlying tissue. Excess fat or muscle is either removed or repositioned as needed, and any small blood vessels are carefully sealed to prevent bleeding. Redundant skin is precisely trimmed, and the remaining skin is smoothly redraped without tension. Fine sutures are used to close the incisions, woven underneath the eyelid skin – these are typically removed within a week to avoid visible suture marks.

When you wake from surgery performed under general anesthesia, your vision may be temporarily blurred due to the application of protective ophthalmic ointment. Most patients find the procedure comfortable, with minimal pain. Prescription pain medication will be provided for any post-surgical discomfort, though many patients do not require it. Cool compresses will be placed over your eyes, which you can continue to use at home during the initial recovery period, although ice should not be directly applied to the eyelids. Eyelid surgery is generally performed on an outpatient basis and takes approximately 1-2 hours, depending on the complexity of the procedure.

Recovery After Eyelid Surgery

Initial healing after a blepharoplasty may include eyelid swelling, bruising, tearing, eye irritation, light sensitivity, or dry eyes that are controlled with medication, cold compresses, and lubricating ointment or drops. Initial eyelid asymmetry from swelling or an uneven appearance can occur and will normalize as healing progresses.

middle aged woman with perfect eyelids

After approximately two weeks, obvious signs of surgery such as puffiness or discoloration should begin to dissipate. Bruising tends to follow gravity and descent downwards under the eyes to the lower eyelids and cheeks, even if only the upper eyelids are addressed. Large sunglasses can help to conceal bruising and/or concealing makeup, which can be applied within one to two weeks after surgery. Some patient wear glasses to conceal their incisions, while others get eyelash extensions or an updated hairstyle to take attention away from their healing upper eyelids.

Blepharoplasty incisions typically heal well with virtually undetectable scars due to the delicate nature of eyelid skin and robust blood supply of the face. As the initial bruising and swelling diminish, noticeable enhancements in the appearance of the eyes will become evident over the course of a few weeks.

Blepharoplasty results reveal smoother, more contoured eyelids and a rejuvenated eye area, contributing to a brighter and more youthful look. While early improvements are visible relatively soon, the full results develop gradually over several months to a year as the healing process completes and incision lines continue to fade.

Sleeping with the head elevated can help speed up the resolution of postop swelling. To prevent hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin or incision sites) and sunburn, it is essential to strictly avoid sun exposure and consistently apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30. One week after surgery, you may apply makeup over your sunscreen, incorporating both into your daily skincare routine for optimal protection and healing. Products recommended for postoperative skin protection are available at our office as part of our Medical-Grade Skin Care regime.

Sutures will be removed in the office in the first week after surgery. Please see our Postoperative Instructions section and Special Instructions for Facial Surgery for additional information pertaining to recovery from a blepharoplasty.

Dr. Horton’s comprehensive Scar Therapy Protocol emphasizes the importance of protecting the delicate skin around the eyes from sun exposure, both during the healing process and as an ongoing habit. Limiting direct sunlight to the eyelids and face is key to minimizing future sun damage and maintaining a refreshed appearance over time.

As part of this approach, Dr. Horton advises wearing dark sunglasses to shield the healing skin and enhance comfort after surgery. Incorporating sun protection into your daily routine is a vital step in preserving your surgical results and promoting long-term skin health.


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Procedure FAQs

How long do the results of blepharoplasty last?

The results of blepharoplasty are long-lasting, providing your eyes with a refreshed and youthful appearance that endures over time. While the natural aging process continues following any facial Plastic Surgery procedure, your eyes will always look younger than they would have without the procedure. The outcome is designed to appear natural, never tight, "overdone," or artificial.To extend the benefits of your blepharoplasty, maintaining a good skincare routine, practicing diligent sun protection, and incorporating non-surgical rejuvenation treatments can be highly effective. Regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon ensure your results are monitored and optimized in the short and long term.

Can I combine other surgical procedures with blepharoplasty?

While blepharoplasty focuses on rejuvenating the eyelid area, it does not address concerns in other regions such as the brow, mid-face, cheeks, neck, or jawline. During your consultation, a thorough facial assessment will help determine which additional surgical procedures may complement your goals and address specific signs of aging.Blepharoplasty results are often enhanced by combining it with other Facial Plastic Surgery procedures, including:

  • Brow Lift (Forehead Lift): Elevates and refreshes the brow, creating a more youthful look and enhancing blepharoplasty outcomes.
  • Facelift: Targets aging in the mid-face, smoothing wrinkles and lifting sagging cheeks for a rejuvenated appearance.
  • Neck Lift: Restores definition to the jawline, eliminates jowls, and tightens loose neck skin for a youthful contour.
  • Earlobe Repair: Rejuvenates or repairs stretched or aging earlobes, contributing to overall facial balance.
A personalized treatment plan will be created to combine procedures that best align with your aesthetic goals.

Can non-surgical treatments enhance blepharoplasty?

Non-surgical cosmetic treatments are often combined with blepharoplasty to enhance and extend its results. Incorporating minimally invasive procedures or advanced skincare routines before and after surgery can optimize outcomes and promote long-term rejuvenation.Common non-surgical options include:

  • Minimally Invasive Treatments: Options like BOTOX® Cosmetic, dermal fillers, laser resurfacing, IPL photofacials, medical-grade peels, and other skin treatments can enhance the effects of blepharoplasty by addressing fine lines, volume loss, and skin texture.
  • Medical-Grade Skincare: Prepares the skin for surgery, supports recovery during the healing process, and helps maintain surgical results over time.
  • Medi-Spa Services: Provide additional rejuvenation for areas such as the eyes, forehead, neck, and décolletage, offering a comprehensive refresh.
These ancillary aesthetic facial treatments can be tailored to your specific needs to maximize the benefits of your blepharoplasty procedure.

What are the potential risks and complications of blepharoplasty surgery?

Before undergoing any surgical procedure, it is essential to be well-informed about the possible risks and complications. For a detailed overview, visit our Preparing for Surgery section, which includes information on general surgical risks, Special Considerations for Facial Plastic Surgery, and Postoperative Instructions tailored to blepharoplasty.

Where can I see before and after photos of eyelid surgery?

Before and after eyelid surgery results will be reviewed during your consultation.  Your own preoperative and postoperative photos will be reviewed with you during follow-up visits and can be shared with you securely through the Symplast patient App.  

How do I know if blepharoplasty is right for me?

Dr. Karen Horton takes a personalized approach to blepharoplasty, focusing on the connection between appearance and self-confidence. During your consultation, she will review your medical history, assess your concerns, and evaluate factors such as eyelid skin texture, elasticity, bagginess, your bone structure, brow position, and facial wrinkles. Based on this assessment, Dr. Horton will design a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs and recommend the most effective surgical technique.While blepharoplasty enhances the eyelid area, it does not address dark circles, fine lines, or “crow’s feet,” which are better treated with non-surgical options like dermal fillers, Botox, and advanced skincare. For these concerns, explore our Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Enhancements and Medical-Grade Skincare sections.Additionally, an upper eyelid lift does not correct drooping brows or forehead sagging caused by “brow ptosis.” If these issues are present, a brow lift may be recommended alongside or instead of blepharoplasty, especially if a prior eyelid surgery has been performed.Your consultation will thoroughly explore your goals for blepharoplasty, determine if you are a suitable candidate, and outline your surgical options in detail.

Where can I find blepharoplasty near me?

If you’re looking for blepharoplasty near you in the San Francisco Bay Area, Dr. Karen Horton offers both upper blepharoplasty and lower blepharoplasty procedures to rejuvenate your appearance and address concerns like sagging eyelids or under-eye bags. Known for her expertise and personalized care, Dr. Horton provides natural-looking results tailored to your needs.To learn more about your options and determine the best approach for you, contact us today to schedule a consultation at our San Francisco practice. Whether you’re considering upper or lower blepharoplasty, Dr. Horton and her team are here to guide you every step of the way.

Dr. Karen Horton has either authored or reviewed and approved this content.

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Dr. Karen M. Horton
2100 Webster St UNIT 520
San Francisco, CA 94115
Phone: 415.923.3067
We are located in the Pacific Heights District in the Pacific Professional Building.

Our Location


Monday-Friday: 9am - 5pm

Saturday-Sunday: Closed

9 AM to 5 PM

9 AM to 5 PM

9 AM to 5 PM

9 AM to 5 PM

9 AM to 5 PM




Dr. Karen M. Horton
2100 Webster St UNIT 520
San Francisco, CA 94115
Phone: 415.923.3067

We are located in the
Pacific Heights District
in the Pacific Professional Building.


*Please note: Our office is no longer a Participating Provider for insurance. We can provide a financial quote for what anticipated surgical fees will be after your consultation.


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Dr Karen Horton