MOMS: It’s all about YOU! (and if it’s not, why it SHOULD be!)

Dr. Horton & her twins
On this Mother’s Day, Moms should take a moment to think about THEMSELVES and to take a break from caring for others!
Mothers are innately selfless, and often put everyone else first (children, spouses, pets, parents, friends, coworkers, other mundane tasks for other people) usually before considering themselves.
Many of my patients are Moms, and a large part of what I do as a Plastic Surgeon is to help mothers achieve their personal goals for rejuvenation of their bodies after they have completed childbearing.
The “Mommy Makeover” is a spectrum of procedures designed to help restore the youthfulness of our breasts, our body and our face that has been altered with age and the cumulative effects of pregnancy, gravity, sun damage, and the never-ending clock that ages us despite our best efforts, known as TIME.
A MOMMY MAKEOVER addresses the following areas of the body:
- Breasts – Augmentation (enhancement), Breast Lift (Mastopexy) or Breast Reduction
- Tummy – Abdominoplasty (“tummy tuck”) and/or Liposuction
- Body – Liposuction, Post-Weight Loss Body Contouring or Labiaplasty
- Nonsurgical Rejuvenation of the Face – Medical-Grade Skin Care, Botox Cosmetic, Dermal Fillers, Latisse eyelash lengthening treatment, or Spa Services such as Medical-Grade Facial Peels
Procedures are individualized to each woman on a personalized basis, depending on what their particular goals and their unique bodies and lifestyles.
Of course, surgical rejuvenation of the face is also possible and necessary in some situations. While not all women are candidates for or ready for facial surgery, common procedures that many Moms seek include eyelid surgery (Blepharoplasty).
For a mother to want to better herself from a body point-of-view is not vain, selfish or silly. Studies have shown that Moms who feel sexy, attractive and confident about their bodies are happier overall, are more involved in their marriages and have better intimacy in the bedroom!
It is NEVER too late to seek rejuvenation after pregnancy. In fact, many of my patients are now Grandmothers!
Mothers’ goals in seeking a Mommy Makeover are often:
- To regain the former fullness and perkiness of their breasts
- To have a flatter tummy and lose the extra skin and stretch marks that pregnancy has given them
- To lose their “muffin top”
- To achieve a more aesthetic contour to their hips, thighs, waist and “bra roll”/back fat
- To have brighter, more even-toned, fresh skin overall with less pigmentation changes
- To have well-rested, refreshed look to their eyes and face
The PERSONAL goal I have for EACH of my patients (my current patients already know this) is for them to feel comfortable running around in a bikini. Yes, a bikini! It is possible to achieve this – sometimes we just need a little help! Even personal trainers and extremely physically fit women, triathletes, marathon runners and less active women cannot reverse the effects of pregnancy.
To learn more about this spectrum of procedures are whether a Mommy Makeover may be something you might be interested in, please visit my website.
Happy Mother’s Day!
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