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Explantation (breast implant removal) surgery, step-by-step

Breast implant removal, called explantation, has become increasingly popular over the last decade.  Styles and preferences change, there is a trend to more natural looking breasts, and with menopause or weight gain, the breast can naturally increase in volume.  Even with a ten pound increase, fat will be deposited in the breast, negating the need for implants for some women.

What is the process for removing breast implants?  An overview can be found on the Explantation section of our website.  But what do the breasts look like immediately after and in the long term?

The following is a step-by-step account of one patient’s explantation experience.  Her story is detailed in our before and after gallery.

Before explantation, she had large silicone gel breast implants under the muscle.  She was right-handed, and the implant on her right dominant side sat higher and felt tighter than her left non-dominant side.  She knew she no longer wanted her implants, and was relieved to learn she did not need a general anesthetic nor a total capsulectomy as part of her implant removal.

Before explantation (breast implant removal)

Immediately following implant removal, her breasts looked very deflated.

Immediately following explantation, the breasts are empty with loose skin

Within two weeks, the skin had started to contract and her breasts started to look more normal and natural.

Two weeks after explantation, the breasts have started to contract

At two months, she had her old breasts back!  She was relieved to have relief of the sensation of muscle tightness and pulling.

Two months after explantation, the breasts have assumed their preoperative size and shape

Two years after breast implant removal, she expressed satisfaction with her decision to have explantation.  She increased her physical activity and lost some weight, so her breast size overall was a little smaller than before surgery, but she is still very happy with her decision to have her implant removed.

Two years after explantation

Knowing what to expect with any Plastic Surgery procedure is key to making an informed decision.  As shown in these step-by-step images, and as for any aesthetic surgery, results often look ugly, deformed or upsetting before they start to look more normal and achieve their final aesthetic results.

We hope this information is helpful to women considering removal of their breast implants, especially if they have been in place for many years.  A breast lift is not always necessary after explantation, particularly if the nipple is not sitting very low on the breast and the breasts were small-sized prior to breast augmentation.

To learn more about explantation surgery, visit our Explantation informational web page, read our other blog posts about explantation.

To schedule a consultation, complete our online consultation request form or call our office at 415-923-3067.

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Dr Karen Horton